Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Hello from the world of the internet.  Born on a wintry Valentine's day, this girl decided to start blogging.  It came to me in a dream to relate my world around me in a blog.  I have to say having my real name associated with the blog was a bit of a turn off so I decided to become a mystery.

Besides as a friend and blogger herself told me today you can be honest when anonymous.

Today is the day everyone either loves or hates depending on their relationship status.  A day where you get spoiled or you do the spoiling.  Shouldn't everyday be like that with the ones you love.  Yes easier said than done as we muck about in our lives.  It is hard to recognize and share how much the ones around us mean to us even when we are too distracted to show them.  I think I try everyday with the goal of letting my sweet man know I care about him but sometimes he doesn't see it or some days I am ruined to be the biggest bitch of the house.  Ho hum! No one is perfect, no relationship is perfect either.

I don't see this day as a great event, it is like Halloween, commercialized in order for stores to make some bucks.  So for the folks out there that woke up bitter today, take a chill pill as with all the days in our lives this day will too pass and besides it not that big of a deal.  If your bitter you have no one in your life then figure out how to share your life with someone.  Not whine about it!

~Peace out

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